The Witty System - 2 gate system - Microgate

The Witty System - 2 gate system - Microgate

Witty RFID

Witty RFID

The Witty System (2 gate) with Tab LED display board

The WITTY System with Tab LED display includes all the accessories necessary to immediately start a training session: 1 Witty timer 2 wireless photocells 2 reflectors 5 telescopic tripods 1 battery charger (charges the two photocells and timer simultaneously) 4 USB Cable 1 backpack for transport with safety padding (contains all the components of the Kit, including accessories) 1 Witty Manager software 1 Witty Tab LED Display board • on its own, in combination with Witty photocells only; in this mode, times are simply displayed, without being saved for subsequent computer analysis • in combination with the Witty timer; pulses transmitted by the photocells are received by the board and by the timer independently, but in this case, with the timer function, data can be saved and stored for analysis subsequently on a computer using the WittyManager software package
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The Witty System (2 gate) with Tab LED display board
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